Matriark Theatre // PACT, 2013
Mr Boy has lost his twin brother. Pursued by “Them”, he sets off on a quest to find him with the aid of new friends and in the face of inescapable opposition. Using puppetry and mask as well as the mother of all blanket forts, HalfWorld is an immersive celebration of child logic and the restorative power of the imagination.
David contributed to the initial development of Halfworld, in particular fleshing out the Bird puppet character.
Directed by Scott Parker // Written by Robert Den Engelsman
Set & Puppet Design Aleisa Jelbart // Music Kathryn Parker
With Corey Willis, Emily McGowan, Thomas Albert, Nicholas O’Regan and Alice Keohavong
Videography Lucy Parakhina // Editing David Molloy
Supported by Critical Stages, PACT centre for emerging artists, Excelsia College, 107 Projects Inc. and Casula Powerhouse