Planet B (2021)

Shopfront Arts Co-Op // 2020

Fed up with life on Earth, a group of Young People hatch a plan to get gone – armed with their wits, humour, and a few tricks up their sleeve, they plan to steal the President’s rocket and make a new start on Planet B. Each rebel has their own reasons for wanting to leave, and their own ideas of what life will be like on another planet – but they all agree that anything is better than staying here.

This year’s Senior Ensemble show, Planet B, was originally proposed as a live theatre show. After the COVID-19 restrictions came into place the Young People discussed whether they should postpone the show. They decided to forge ahead and make a film instead. Over the last couple of weeks, the Young People have gone into Shopfront one by one to shoot scenes with writer JoJo Zhou and director Miranda Middleton.

Directed by Miranda Middleton // Written by JoJo Zhou

Devised and Performed by Shopfront Senior Ensemble 2020

Cinematography and Editing David Molloy // Set and Costume Design Hamish Elliot // Lighting Design Tyler Fitzpatrick // Sound Design Rowan Yeomans // Production Assistant Darcy Duncan

Promotional image by Joshua Morris // Overlay by Solomon Thomas