Godface (2015)

Matriark Theatre // Old 505, 2015 // 107 Projects, 2016

“It was brilliant, funny, emotional, experiential physical theatre beyond definition … Godface is terrific ensemble work from Rose Maher, Josh Gardiner, David Molloy, Brett Johnson and Emily McGowan.” – Judith Greenaway, Sydney Arts Guide

“The telling of [the story] by the puppets is the most engrossing part of the show. David Molloy, Murray Lambert, Jesse Northam and Sam Flack embody the main animal puppets, namely a bull, a fox, a swan, a couple of goats and a fly, all of which are so humanlike that we come to accept them as actual people.”- Ken Coleman, Sydney Arts Guide

In the vast desert outside of the city of Godface, mortal Pippa is seduced into running for the elected position of God. At first reticent, the deal is sealed when immortality is dangled before her. Her main rival is Swansea, who will erode Pippa’s ideals enough that she will bury her real self. Will the true Pippa survive to rise godlike from the floor?

Directed by Scott Parker // Written by Robert den Engelsman and Murray Lambert

With Sam Flack, Josh Gardiner, Brett Johnson, Murray Lambert, Rose Maher, Emily McGowan, David Molloy, Jesse Northam

Set and Puppet Design Aleisa Jelbart // Music Kathryn Parker